Nov 9, 2022

Is your team improving?

Post by 
Michael Muse

f you’ve ever watched “process improvement”, you’ve probably seen the problem identified, and some tactics meant to address the issue. What you might see much less frequently is some measure of whether your tactic is working.

Frequently, the measure is some nebulous feeling like “the agents are overwhelmed” or “customers are waiting too long”. But qualitative metrics aren’t precise enough to understand the efficacy of your tactics.

This is where Flowdometer comes in. By tracking the amount of time it takes to complete each step in your process, you can see whether your tactic is working. Built in are all sorts of week over week and month over month trend analysis charts. If the amount of time it takes to complete a step goes down, you know your tactic is working. If the amount of time goes up, you know your tactic isn’t working.

This data-driven approach to process improvement ensures that you are constantly making your process more efficient.

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