Nov 10, 2022

How do I teach my worst performers to work like my best performers?

Post by 
Michael Muse

igh performance can come from a variety of innate places - resiliency, grit, hard work, intellect, patience, etc. But high performance can also come from something more tactical. Maybe a rep is crushing it because they’re the only one on the team sending text messages. Maybe they focus on fewer items at a time, possibly not even knowing this mathematically increases their throughput.

Managers should seek out non-innate, tactical practices that contribute to individual success, and make sure the entire team knows how to benefit from them.

Once those practices are codified, it’s important to track whether or not they are being adopted by the entire team. Flowdometer helps by tracking each step in your process. You can see which agents are doing the work quickly, and which ones can learn from them.

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