
Contact Left Company

Related Applications:

Your customers have employees. Those employees will change jobs. Wouldn't it be great to use these job transitions as an opportunity to talk to these new companies?

What is the best practice for when a Contact leaves a company and joins another Account? We've built the right way to keep track of previous employees as they move to new companies, and you can install it for free.

This package will give you an Action and Screen Flow that will automatically:

  1. Mark the old Contact as having left the company (a new "No Longer at Company" checkbox on Contacts)
  2. Null out the old Contact’s email
  3. Create a new Contact with the same name and mobile number, at a new or existing account
  4. Link this new Contact back to the old Contact in a lookup called Previous Role
  5. Create a new Opportunity to prospect at the Contact's new Company

Installation Instructions:

Add the "Contact Left Company" Lightning Action to the Contact Page Layout. You might also add a hidden element that appears if a contact has "This Contact's Past Role" field not blank - show a Related List of Activities for that Contact - this will pull in previous interactions onto the new Contact.

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Muse Operations specializes in implementing and integrating applications for running Operations teams.

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Contact Left Company
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